Homer quoting John Lennon's famous line from " Let it Be."
(127 KB)
Monty Python: " And now for something completely different."
(14.6 KB)
Butt head laughs & says: " What a Dork."
(23.5 KB)
One of Groucho Marx's clever quips from " Duck Soup."
(46 KB)
"Nomad" from the Star Trek series "You are in error"....
(51.1 KB)
Rhet Butler's famous line from " Gone with the Wind."
(38.8 KB)
Gomer Pyle saying: " Surprise, Surprise, Surprise."
(29.4 KB)
A good generic version of " Happy Birthday."
(170 KB)
"I am OZ !...the great & powerful, who are you?"
(61.6 KB)
The Looney Tunes Theme (short version)
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The original theme from the original cartoon: " Mr. Magoo."
(269 KB)
James Stuart a clip from the famous movie " Harvey."
(77.7 KB)
Bugs Bunny's famous "Square Dance" clip.
(585 KB)
"Trapped on the Internet" (tune of Gilligan's Isle).
(441 KB)
"Yesterday" - Paul McCartney.
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